Special Issues and edited volumes
2022. Global Taxation: How Modern Taxes Conquered the World. Oxford University Press (edited with P. Genschel).
2021. Handbook on the Politics of Taxation. Edward Elgar (edited with L. Hakelberg).
2019. Social Policy by Other Means. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis 21/3: 219-311 (edited with P. Starke).
2016. Revenue Mobilization in the Developing World: Changes, Challenges, and Chances. Review of International Political Economy 23/2: 185-344 (edited with H. Lierse, C. Schmitt).
2015. Social Protection in the Developing World: Challenges, Continuity, and Change. Politics and Society 43/4: 463-582 (edited with H. Lierse, C. Schmitt).
Journal articles
2024. The Climate Crisis, Policy Distraction and Support for Fuel Taxation. European Journal of Political Research (with P. Genschel, J.Limberg)
2024. Aid for Taxation and Representation? The Effect of Foreign Tax Assistance on Democracy. Journal of International Relations and Development (with I. Bastiaens).
2023. Revenue, Redistribution, and the Rise and Fall of Inheritance Taxation. Comparative Political Studies (with P. Genschel, J. Limberg).
2023. Breaking with Orthodoxy? German Fiscal Policy in the Shadow of Covid-19. German Politics (with L. Haffert).
2022. Left by the Left? The Politics of Poverty Alleviation. Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy 38/3: 223-240 (with H. Lierse).
2022.The Historical Origins of Wealth Taxation. Journal of European Public Policy: 29/5: 670-688 (with J. Limberg).
2021. The Rise of Modern Taxation. A New Comprehensive Dataset of Tax Introductions Worldwide. Review of International Organizations 16: 239-263 (with M. Bubek, E. Eihmanis, J. Ganderson, P. Genschel, J. Limberg, Y. Mnaili, P. Zuluaga).
2020. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 17? An Empirical Investigation of the Effectiveness of Aid Given to Boost Developing Countries’ Tax Revenue and Capacity. International Studies Quarterly 64/4: 991-1004 (with I. Bastiaens).
2020. Democracy and the Global Spread of Progressive Taxes. Global Social Policy 20/2: 165-191. (with H. Lierse).
2019. Social Policy by Other Means: Theorizing Unconventional Forms of
2018. European Fiscal Solidarity: An EU-wide Optimal Income Tax Approach. International Journal of Public Policy 14/1-2: 145-163 (with H. Yang). Earlier version published as TranState Working Paper 185/2014.
2018. Sind Demokratien die besseren Steuerstaaten? Ein globaler
2016. Happy taxation: Increasing tax compliance through positive rewards? Journal of Public Policy 36/3: 381-406 (with H. Brockmann, P. Genschel).
2016. Capital Markets and Tax Policy-Making: A Comparative Analysis of European Tax Reforms since the Crisis. Comparative European Politics 14/5: 686-716 (with H. Lierse).
2016. Auslaufmodell oder Erfolgsgeschichte? Der Wohlfahrtsstaat in globaler Perspektive (Failure or Success? The Welfare State in Global Perspective). Zeitschrift für Sozialreform (Journal of Social Policy Research) 62/2: 111-140 (with A. Grünewald).
2016. Trade liberalization and the global expansion of modern taxes. Review of International Political Economy 23/2: 208-231 (with H. Lierse, C. Schmitt).
2016. Dictators don't compete: Autocracy, democracy and tax competition. Review of International Political Economy 23/2: 290-315 (with P. Genschel, H. Lierse). Earlier version published as CES Papers Open Forum Paper 22/2015, Harvard University.
2016. Did they learn to tax? Taxation trends outside the OECD. Review of International Political Economy 23/2: 316-344 (with P. Genschel).
2016. Room to Maneuver? International Financial Markets and the National Tax State. New Political Economy 21/1: 145-165 (with H. Lierse).
2015. The Global Emergence of Social Protection: Explaining Social Security Legislation 1820-2013. Politics and Society 43/4: 503-524 (with H. Lierse, H. Obinger, C. Schmitt).
Book chapters
2023. Tax Policy in Encyclopedia of Public Policy, vanGerven/Rothmayr-Allison/Schubert (eds), Springer: 1-5.
2022. Steuerpolitik (Tax Policy) in Handbuch Policy-Forschung, Wenzelburger/Zohlnhöfer (eds), Springer: 1-22 (with H. Lierse).
2022. Corona und das Ende der deutschen Fiskalorthodoxie? (Covid19 and the end of German fiscal orthdoxy) in Das Ende der Merkel-Jahre, Zohlnhöfer/Engler (eds), Springer: 191-214 (with L. Haffert).
2022. Mass warfare and the development of the modern welfare state – an analysis of the Western World, 1914-1950 in International Impacts on Social Policy. Short Histories in a Global Perspective, Nullmeier/González de Reufels/Obinger (eds), Palgrave: 21-34 (with H. Obinger, C. Schmitt).
2022. Global Pathways to Modern Taxation in Global Taxation: How Modern Taxes Conquered the World, Genschel/Seelkopf (eds), Oxford University Press: 1-40 (with P. Genschel).
2021. Taxation and Gender in Handbook on the Politics of Taxation, Hakelberg/Seelkopf (eds), Edward Elgar: 192-207.
2021. The Colonial Tax State in Handbook on the Politics of Taxation, Hakelberg/Seelkopf (eds), Edward Elgar: 64-80.
2021. Introduction in Handbook on the Politics of Taxation, Hakelberg/Seelkopf (eds), Edward Elgar: 1-17 (with L. Hakelberg).
2020. Can Tax Aid Broaden the Base? International Assistance, Taxation, and the Informal Sector in the BRICs in The Political Economy of the BRICS Countries Vol. 3, López-Cariboni/Mansfield/Rudra (eds), Singapore: World Scientific: 81–100 (with I. Bastiaens).
2020. A Comparative Revision of Tax Systems and Tax Revenue in the BRICs in The Political Economy of the BRICS Countries Vol. 3, López-Cariboni/Mansfield/Rudra (eds), Singapore: World Scientific: 31–51 (with A. Schiller).
2017. Taxation and Inequality in Welfare State Transformations in the 21st Century: Effects on Social, Economic and Political Inequality in OECD Countries, Bieber/Wulfgramm/Leibfried (eds), London/New York: Palgrave (with H. Lierse).
2016. Globalization and Tax Policy in Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy, Dubnick/Bearfield (eds), New York: Taylor and Francis: 1-7 (with P. Genschel).
2016. Steuern (Taxes) in Handbuch Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft (Handbook of Comparative Politics), Lauth/Kneuer/Pickel/Erdmann (eds), Wiesbaden: Springer: 689-700 (with P. Genschel, H. Lierse).
2016. Winners and Losers of Tax Competition in Global Tax Governance. What is wrong with it and how to fix it, Rixen/Dietsch (eds), Colchester: ECPR Press: 55-76 (with P. Genschel).
2015. The Competition State in The [Oxford] Handbook of Transformations of the State, Leibfried/Nullmeier/Huber/Lange/Levy/Stephens (eds), Oxford: University Press: 237-252 (with P. Genschel).
2014. Tax Competition and National Welfare in The Political Economy of Offshore Jurisdictions, Ötsch/Grözinger/Beyer/Bräutigam (eds), Marburg: Metropolis: 27 -38.
Irlanda, Dinamarca o Singapur: cómo algunos países pequeños destacan en un mundo de superpotencias económicas, Interview with Francisco de Zárate, El Pais, 05.08.2023
2023. Das Steuersystem als Instrument des Kampfes gegen Armut.Politikum 9/1: 38-45.
2023. Forschungsdatenmanagement in kleinen Forschungsprojekten - Eine Handreichung für die Praxis. RatSWD Output Series, 7. Berufungsperiode Nr. 3. Berlin (with RatSWD Working Group).
2023. Erhebung und Nutzung unstrukturierter Daten in den Sozial-, Verhaltens- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften: Herausforderungen und Empfehlungen. RatSWD Output Series, 7. Berufungsperiode Nr. 2. Berlin (with RatSWD Working Group).
2022. Steuern (Taxes). Spicker Politik Nr. 28, Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung.
2021. Steuern und Geschlecht. Oder warum Viagra ein Grundbedürfnis ist, Tampons aber nicht (Taxes and Gender). Steuerpolitik-Serie im DVPW-Blog.
2021. Steuern in der Politikwissenschaft (Taxation in Political Science). Steuerpolitik-Serie im DVPW-Blog (with L. Hakelberg).
2021. German Social Democrats Win; Scholz Likely Heir To Merkel. Interview with Todd Buell,, 27.09.2021.
2021. Clashing Tax Views Pose Hurdle For Next German Gov't. Interview with Todd Buell,, 18.08.2021.
2021. Nehmen Sie sich immer genug Zeit für die eigene Forschung! (Always take time for your own research!), Interview with Scientia Futura.
2020. Die Corona-Krise des Steuerstaats (The Covid19 Crisis of the Tax State). Der ökonomische Blick. Die Presse (with J. Limberg).
2019. Es geht auch anders (There is another way), Interview with Einsichten. Das Forschungsmagazin 1: 8-9.
2019. Codebook - Tax Introduction Dataset (TID). Version May 2019 (with P. Genschel).
2018. Ungleichheit und Wohlfahrtsstaat (Inequality and the Welfare State), Radio Interview with Deutschlandfunk, 03.05.2018.
2017. Click and bail: Can Macron stop digital multinationals from dodging tax? EUI Times, 31.10.2017.
2017. Steuern und Gerechtigkeit (Taxes and Fairness), Radio Interview with Radio Wissen, BR2, 12.01.2017.
2016. Sozialpolitik und Legitimation in Zeiten ökonomischer Krisen (Social Policy and Legitimacy in Times of Crises). Politikum 2: 48-54 (with F. Nullmeier).
2014. Concept and Methodology – Sustainable Governance Indicators 2014. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung (with D. Schraad-Tischler).
2013. Book Review: Appel, Hilary. Tax Politics in Eastern Europe: Globalization, Regional Integration and the Democratic Compromise. EUSA Review 26/2: 18-19.
2012. The Political Economy of Foreign Aid Allocation: Arguments and Applications. Thesis (Ph.D.), Dept. of Government - University of Essex.